Thursday, October 8, 2009


There is a rapture in me
when I think of you.
But is it love, to think?
Or is love
the moment of pure being,
when I am furthest from thought
and closest to an action,
that is not a re-action
but an arising from my heart,
a single moment
when I am not premeditated
when I can’t think of what to do
because there is no time.
I am just me, now, Love.
And you are there, loved,
standing, unknown
and unknowing me.
Something pure, golden
passes between us,
which becomes a memory in our heads
as the momentary opening, closes.
Afterwards, occasionally
there is a memory in my heart,
lightness fills me
freedom reigns,
and I am re-minded
of feelings
I never usually dare to feel.

By Joshua Wiskey

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