An intellectual is all the time showing off.
Lovers dissolve and become bewildered.
Intellectuals try not to drown,
while the whole purpose of love
is drowning.
Intellectuals invent
ways to rest, and then lie down
in those beds.
Lovers feel ashamed
of comforting ideas.
You’ve seen a glob
of oil on water? That’s how a lover
sits with intellectuals, there, but alone in a circle of himself.
Some intellectual
tries to give sound advice to a lover.
All he hears back is, I love you.
I love you.
Love is musk. Don’t deny it
when you smell the scent!
Love is a tree.
Lovers, the shade of the long branches.
To the intellectual mind, a child must learn to grow up and be an adult.
In the station of love,
you see old men getting younger and younger.
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