In the book he suggests that pain must be enquired into rather than avoided. I found the ideas and exercises of great assistance when working through my own pain. They are complimentary to the many teachings of Raja yoga.
What sound does pain make
When it creeps up, uninvited in the night?
Anguish has no voice,
Only shouts and moans, whispers and chokes
What sound does pain make?
What sound does pain make
When it has no apparent source?
Secretly standing, growing, unaddressed in the heart
Lifetimes roll by, I squirm, I force down
What sound does pain make?
What sound does pain make
When the pressure and panic builds?
Stories distract as they spin in, one on top of the other
Tension grips the skull and madness seems close
What sound does pain make?
What is this energy form of pain?
Can I 'hum' it out?
Can I wrap it in the sound of love?
Or is the warm breeze of my breath enough to expose it?
What is this energy form of pain?
What shape is this pain?
Is it a black ball inside, hard and stuck?
Is it sharp enough to cut or round enough to swallow?
Does it ache enough to make you cry out?
What shape is your pain?
How deep is this wound?
Where has it come from?
At the end of the road now, watching it IS enough
Keeping quiet company after all else has dropped away
How deep is your wound?
LS/Dec 08
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