Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Up, Up and Away

"The initial take-off is full of action. Clear and loud instructions are issued from our pilot, a female World Champion balloon flyer from Germany. The 20-strong team labour hard to keep the balloon grounded whilst we climb in. Once airborne, she asks, “Is everyone ok?” There is no reply. The twelve people standing in the basket are completely quiet.... The group talks in whispers throughout the 1 hour flight."

LS/Feb '09

Floating over the red Sossusvlei dunes fields was a spiritual experience for me. The expansive views reflect the limitless boundaries of the soul and the stillness of God within all of us.

In true form (although behind the protection of sunglasses!)my eyes started to stream. Tears for what was momentarily so apparent and tears of frustration for the time wasted.

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